Category: Text

  • Recover abandoned carts through paid ads

    Abandoned carts are a common problem for online retailers. It refers to the situation where a customer adds products to their cart but leaves without completing the purchase. According to research, the average cart abandonment rate is around 70%, which means that for every ten customers, seven of them leave the site without making a…

  • How to get started listening on social media

    What is Social Listening? Social listening, or social media listening, identifies and evaluates what is being said about a company, person, product, or brand online. Conversations on the Internet produce vast amounts of unstructured data. Knowing what a company wants to achieve with a social media listening initiative is essential. Depending on the objective, the…

  • Advanced GTM Techniques

    Cross-domain tracking with GTM and GA One of the challenges in tracking user behavior across multiple domains is ensuring that the data is accurate and complete. With cross-domain tracking, you can track users as they move from one domain to another, providing a more comprehensive view of their interactions with your website. Google Tag Manager…

  • Adding Google Analytics to a site (using GTM)

    GTM or Google Tag Manager is a powerful tool that allows you to manage all your website tags, including Google Analytics, in one place. It is a free tool provided by Google that makes it easy for you to add and update tags to your website without requiring any coding knowledge. GTM acts as a…

  • Kickstart your social media presence

    Social Media Growth Hacking is the technique used to achieve rapid and exponential growth of a social media audience. Growth hackers use a range of innovative tactics to achieve this growth, including leveraging technology, analytics, and creativity to achieve a specific outcome. The goal of social media growth hacking is to find ways to reach…

  • How to Add a lead generating popup to a web?

    In today’s electronic age, solid online existence is essential for attracting prospective consumers and generating leads. There is a selection of methods organizations can make use of to drive traffic to their website. However, one effective technique is to add lead-generating pop-ups. Pop-ups are attention-grabbing devices on visitors’ displays and prompt them to act, such…

  • Effective ways to increase your engagement on Instagram

    What is Instagram engagement? Instagram engagement gauges how many individuals replied to published web content on Instagram. Nonetheless, it is more significant than simply statistics. It is a collection of indications showing how well your web content connects with your Audience and how passionate the internet area has to do with your brand name. Instagram…

  • The Who, What, Why, and also Exactly How of Digital Marketing

    Would you believe us if we informed you that the number of people going online is still increasing, even though the Internet is so easily accessible today? It is. By 2021, there will be about 4.9 billion internet users worldwide, which is 400 million more than in 2020, and despite what we often say, the…

  • Exploring the Differences and Similarities of B2C and B2B Sales

    B2C sales refer to Organization to Customer sales, the business’s models of targeting private customers. Sales representatives are the best examples of B2C sales in which they market vehicles, stereo systems, gym memberships, publication subscriptions, and medical representatives checking out specific practitioners. Several of these items are high-price factor products like cars, real estate, and…

  • Strategies for Growing Your Business Online Through Digital Marketing Strategies

    You don’t need to spend much money growing an online business. It just requires some effort and imagination. Today, I will discuss starting an online business without any investment. You can get started today and begin growing your future on the internet. These are some of my tips to help you get started growing an…

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